I made a CD for my friends and family that came to my birthday party:
1. Star Wars Main Title - John Williams
2. Doctor Worm - They Might Be Giants
3. 7 8 9 - Barenaked Ladies
4. Particle Man - They Might Be Giants
5. Bicycle Race - Queen
6. Rock & Roll High School - The Ramones
7. Snail Shell - They Might Be Giants
8. Dirty Old Town - The Pogues
9. The American Astronaut - The Billy Nayer Show
10. Mr. Fancy Pants - Jonathan Coulton
11. Dog Train - Blues Traveler
12. Code Monkey - Jonathan Coulton
13. Imperial March- John Williams
14. Skweetis - The Melvins
15. Mission - The Phenomenauts
16. Little Boxes - Malvina Reynolds
17. Mr. Roboto - Styxx
18. Get up Offa That Thing - James Brown
19. The House at the Top of the Tree - Thdey Might Be Giants